Victory Rations Project

Friday update – #VictoryRationsProject

Fridays are always busy in the Lifethymes household, but today has been particularly so. An early start to do the weekly shop, (of course it is Good Friday, so we needed to get the shopping done before early closing) proved fruitful. Bread and potatoes came from the supermarket, but it was at the butchers where… Continue reading Friday update – #VictoryRationsProject

Recipes · Victory Rations Project

Our Daily Bread [The National Loaf, and the value of stale bread in the rationed kitchen]

Post-industrialisation, and through the intervening decades of the early -mid 20th century, Britons came to love their soft white bread; the softer and whiter the better. White bread had historically been preserved for the wealthy and ‘upper classes’ due to the extra cost and effort involved in milling white flour, and thus its desirability was… Continue reading Our Daily Bread [The National Loaf, and the value of stale bread in the rationed kitchen]

Victory Rations Project

#VictoryRationsProject – at the beginning

8th April Day 1 Dear Diary, is it time for bed, I’m tired out! It has been a busy day getting our Rationing Project underway; shopping, weighing, meal planning, baking… We have just finished dinner (at 8pm) and it’s time to update you on how things have gone so far, and the plans for the… Continue reading #VictoryRationsProject – at the beginning

Recipes · Uncategorized · Victory Rations Project · Vintage

Victory Rations Project

Morning all! Sunday again, and this weekend has been a busy one for us. Plenty of errands, a trip to the shops and a re-organisation of the kitchen cupboards is in order, and bit of spring cleaning! Now a quieter afternoon, pottering in and out of the garden with a cup of tea, and time… Continue reading Victory Rations Project